Join the Facebook Group-it's important ;)
Post your questions, ideas, links, images here about this section.
Click here to join the private Facebook group - it's important!
Be sure to join the private FB group and introduce yourself and tell us what you're most excited about in the course!
This is an important part of you getting the most out of the course for a number of reasons:
- This is the easiest way for everyone to learn from each others questions and learning. Sometimes people ask questions that you wanted to ask, weren't willing to ask, didn't have time to ask, etc. and so the threads are really helpful. Also, there are lots of people who are taking the course who are already familiar and playing with the tools you'll be learning, so they can be a contribution to you as well as me! How cool is that!?
- It's an easy vehicle for us to review your action items!
- Your chances to make connections and new friends who are like-minded are way higher in a course like this
Some Rules of Engagement
In order to make it easy for everyone to identify the PURPOSE of your post and how best to respond (maybe you want help, support, to make an announcement, say hi, etc.) please start every post with a version of the following:
This will make it easier for us all!